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What is FTP?
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the simplest and most secure way to exchange files over the Internet.  Whether you know it or not, you most likely use FTP all the time.

The most common use for FTP is to download files from the Internet.  Because of this, FTP is the backbone of the MP3 music craze, and vital to most online auction and game enthusiasts.  In addition, the ability to transfer files back-and-forth makes FTP essential for anyone creating a Web page, amateurs and professionals alike.

When downloading a file from the Internet you're actually transferring the file to your computer from another computer over the Internet.  This is why the T (transfer) is in FTP. You may not know where the computer is that the file is coming from but you most likely know it's URL or Internet address.

An FTP address looks a lot like an HTTP, or Website, address except is uses the prefix ftp:// instead of http://.

 Example Website address:
Example FTP site address:


FTP Clients
Below is a list of popular FTP software: (Keep in mind that new
versions of FTP software are continuously being released- you might want to stop by and search for the client of your choice to see if an updated version is available.)

WS_FTP - a standard FTP client for Windows Sockets. The graphical interface was designed with the novice FTP user in mind. This version features a reengineered FTP server detection and decoding process. Requirements: Windows 3.x or higher. 650 KB

Setting Up WS_FTP
After opening WS_FTP a dialog box will appear. In most cases you would leave the pull-down menu "Profile Name" as "WS_FTP16" or "WS_FTP16," and leave it as that for now. In the text box labeled "Host Name/Address" enter your server name. Leave the pull-down menu "Host Type" as "Automatic Detect." Enter your registered user id into the text box labeled "User ID." Enter your registered password into the text box labeled "Password." It is all personal preference if you wish to have the "Save Password" check box checked. For now you can leave "Account" and "Comments" blank. Click on the "Startup" tab and enter which directory on each computer you wish to be default when you connect to the server, i.e. what is your primary directory that contains the files you are going to upload? For now you can leave all other things blank. The left side of the screen displays your computer's files, and the right side of the screen displays your server's files. If you didn't enter your default directories, choose the directory you want to be in by either browsing or clicking the "ChgDir " button. A text box will appear where you type in the directory. e.x. This will appear both to change the directory on the remote host (server) and the local host (your computer). You can also make a directory by clicking on the "MkDir " button. A text box will appear where you type in the name of your new directory. e.x. This will appear both to add a new directory on the remote host (server) and the local host (your computer). To upload a file, select the file you wish to upload click on the "-> " button. This copy is the file from your computer to the server you are connected to. To download a file off of the server you are connected to, select the file you wish to download, then click on the "<- " button. This copies the file from the server you are connected to onto your computer. While uploading any picture, java applet, shockwave animation, or anything of the sort, make sure the radio button labeled "Binary" is selected. Whenever uploading any htm, html, htx, asp, or any kind of web site file, make sure the radio button labeled "ASCII" is selected. Any text related file can viewed through the program by selecting the file, then clicking on the "View " button. Notepad will open showing the selected file. You can rename any directory or file by selecting the item you wish to rename, then click on on the "Rename " button. To view any file, such as a picture, select the file you want to view, then click the "Exec " button. This will run a default program that was selected to read the file selected. If you wish to delete a file, select it and then click on the "Delete " button. This will delete the file off either system. If you save a file to the local system directory, and WS_FTP is already up and running, it will not show be available unless you click the "Refresh " button. To get all information on the open directory, click on the "DirInfo " button. Notepad will open, allowing you to view the information on the directory. i.e. all files. While you are uploading and downloading there is a log being written of everything you have done during this session of WS_FTP. i.e. connecting to ...Connected to port 21 220 vulcan Microsoft FTP Service (Version 3.0)..... 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Received 2106 bytes in 0.6 secs, (31.70 Kbps), transfer succeeded 226 Transfer complete...... To close the connection to your server there are 3 options: Click on the "Close " button, the "Close connection " button, or the "Exit " button
Download WS_FTP

Advanced FTP Voyager - FTP Voyager is an FTP client program that allows you to perform FTP operations in the same way that you would normally perform file operations. FTP Voyager can connect to almost any FTP site, whether it is a Unix site or a Windows NT site. FTP Voyager looks and feels like Windows Explorer; in fact, you can even drag and drop files from the FTP site to your hard drive, and vice versa. This new version features extensive bug fixes and enhancements. Requirements: Windows 95/NT. 2.3 MB

Cute FTP - CuteFTP is a Windows-based Internet application that lets beginners use ftp without having to know many details about the protocol itself. It simplifies ftp by offering a user-friendly, graphical interface instead of a command-line prompt. Requirements: Windows 95. 483 KB
Download CuteFTP

Setting Up Cute FTP
Once you download the setup program for CuteFTP install it to the default directory and have it put a shortcut in the Start Menu. This is CuteFTP. Double click on this icon (on your computer) to run CuteFTP, or open it through the start menu. A shareware message appears, just click "Ok" to continue the program. When the FTP site manager box appears on the screen, you probably want to add a connection to your server. To do this click on the "Add Folder " button to add a new folder. In the text box labeled "Create New Folder" enter "yourname's stuff," or whatever you wish to call it. As you can see, a new folder has now appeared near the top left corner of the CuteFTP application. Click on your new folder to open it. Now click on the "Add site " button to add your server name. In the text box labeled "Site Label" enter the name you wish to give to the name of your server. e.x. "Website." In the text box labeled "Host Address" enter the address of your server. e.x. "" In the text box labeled "User ID" enter your registered user login name. In the text box labeled "Password" enter your registered password. In the text box labeled "Initial Remote Directory" enter the directory you wish to log in to at the server; leave it blank for default directory. In the text box labeled "Initial Remote Directory" enter the directory on your computer where the files you wish to upload are located. For now, you can leave everything else as is. Now, click the "Ok" button. As you can see, the "Site Label" has been placed in the top right corner of the CuteFTP application. Select the server you wish to connect to, and click the "Connect " button to connect to the highlighted server. At this point you should be connected to your server.

If you want to change which server you are connected to, click on Site Manager.
To connect to a server without saving all the information, click on Quick Connect.
To disconnect from the server you are connected to, click on Disconnect.
If you wish to view all files horizontally, click Short Directory Listing.
If you wish to view all files vertically, click Long Directory Listing.
If you wish to sort all files by name, click Sort by Name.
If you wish to sort all files by extension, click Sort by Extension.
If you wish to sort files by size, click Sort by Size.
If you wish to sort files by date click, Sort by Date.
If you wish to search for a filename, click Find.
If you wish to search for the next item containing text you searched for last, click Find Next. To toggle auto-index, click on Auto Index (Toggle).
To get the remote index, click on Get Index.
To view a file, highlight the file you want view, then click View.
To execute a program, highlight the program you want to run, then click Execute.
To download a file onto your computer from the server, highlight the file you want to download, then click Download.
To upload a file from your computer to the server. highlight the file you wish to upload, then click Upload.
To change directories, click on Change Directory, then type in the name of the directory you wish to change to.
To return to the parent directory, click on Parent Directory.
To upload in ASCII mode, click on ASCII Mode.
To upload in Binary mode, click on Binary mode.
To upload in auto-detect mode, click on Auto Mode.
Download CuteFTP


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